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The project
Artist Max Peeters (45) shoots and paints with dedication and passion. This new project was launched in January 2017.
Peeters will shoot 50 women aged 18 to 68 years old. Of the series 5 photos will be selected for this website. Photos are not taken in a studio but must be real life; at home, hotels or outside. The photos will be edited and published in black and white. There is no charge for invited models, but neither will Peeters be able to pay.
The photos will not be sold and there is no commercial interest. Peeters wants to finalize the project end of 2017 and his aim is to print 50 photobooks that can be bought at costprice by interested participating models.
p h o t o p r o j e c t b y m a x p e e t e r s
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